June 19, 2024

Still broken


The problem with a broken system … it’s broken.

The two most common coping mechanisms? Ignoring it or pretending la-la-la it isn’t broken. Passive choices don’t solve anything and everyone knows what you’re avoiding even if you don’t.

And after you spent all that time and little effort avoiding the issue … it’s still broken.

In a hurry and action oriented, you try sticking plasters. Maybe it helps you skirt around the issue and lets you achieve what you need to get done. Maybe. And everyone still knows what you’re doing and the system is still broken.

Then of course, you can actually do something about it. You know, take it by the lapels and deal with it, whatever it takes. Fix it. Engineer it out of the equation.

The deal-with-it downside? Effort and humility.

The upside? A working system (and sleep at night).

Skippy strategy: Actually mend the system.
