July 17, 2022

The first solution


At some point, later than you hoped but hopefully earlier than you feared (although, sometimes!) the fog will clear and what was uncertain will come into focus. We do it like this. The components we need are these. The route from here to there is through these gates.

The problem – when you’re comfortable with fog, when you’ve been swimming in it for months or years, when that nothing is certain in the only certainty you recognise – is realising when things finally shift. When your modus operandi is always about the battle for another option, always another option, and another, it’s too easy to ignore the solution when you finally meet it.

Break the pattern.

The result you’re after is the first solution that answers the question. Not seventeen novel and unusual ways of answering it. 

Skippy strategy: Work it out, close it down, and move on to the next problem.

