All the answers
Trying something new, bringing new ideas and processes to your team or products to the world … there’s no such thing as a sure thing. It’s a risk. It’s always a risk – the game then is to work at an acceptable level or risk with as much understanding as possible.
And yet … even though everybody – colleague, investor, manager, executive, customer, partner, you – says they understand it’s a risk, they really want certainty.
The happy(ish) middle ground is a sure-footed leader.
Not one with all the answers, because, yeah! But one that make you feel that no matter what, despite set-backs and cul de sacs, they’ll find a way through the mountains and down to the valley beyond. One with the desirable kind of certainty. The one you know will keep at it, out think the problems and bring the party home.
Skippy Strategy: Work with and hire sure-footed leaders.
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