August 25, 2022

Between the words


The customer will tell you what they want. Not so much in the words they use when they think they’re telling you what they want, but in the words around the edges and especially in the actions between the words.

The words around the words will be about their agenda, their issues, their desires, their hopes, their frustrations, their weaknesses, their strengths, the battles they’re fighting, the fun they’re having, the obstacles they’re staring at. Not labelled, but buried in the woodwork – in the wood-words.

Their actions between the words will tell whether they want to be treated as a partner or a customer, whether they want constant or saw-tooth communications, whether they want to be in the loop or aware of the loop or even if they care about the loop.

Skippy strategy: Pay attention to what they want, especially when they don’t think they’re telling you what they want.
