Towards a handshake
You shake hands on the deal.
After all the negotiations, the back-and-forth and the shenanigans that go along with coming to terms … you look each other in the eye, spit, and press palms together. It’s agreed.
Then there’s the writing down. Whether it’s a vaguely formal summary of the important points or the kind of agreement that sees a lawyer’s bank account growing fat, the act of writing things down makes life specific. The art of being specific crystallises issues; some that were entirely unconsidered, some simply left unsaid.
And now they’re there, in black and white.
And in black and white – you may not like what you see.
Two options:
– Suck it up and learn to think things through properly for next time.
– Go back on your handshake, renegotiate, and learn for next time.
Skippy strategy: When you’re working towards a handshake … think things through properly.
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