June 10, 2018

Connected souls


The first step is accepting that you can’t do everything yourself. 

You kinda-sorta accept it, which is why you have a team around you, but the obvious facts are a struggle at the same time.

You think (especially if you’re the founder) that your job is every job. That you’re the one who gets things done, you’re definitely self-sufficient, you’re go-to. It’s what gave you your chair. Now, accepting you need help … that you’re the kind of person who needs help, that you’re no longer able to do things on your own … can feel like an existential crisis.

It’s not.

It’s growth.

It’s how you grow as a leader. 

It’s how an organisation grows out of the connected souls around you.

The second step is building the team and structures that mean you don’t have to do everything.

Skippy strategy: Hiring is hard in itself, but understand it’s the easy part.
