
It’s easier and can feel kinder to let slide an underperforming member of the team. Easier, because you don’t have to deal with it, easier, because you don’t have to look for a replacement, easier, because who needs the hassle? Kinder, because forcing them to look in the mirror might hurt their feelings. After all, they still get the work done, it’s just that it’s a little slower or less polished than is expected or normal from everyone else.

It’s easier and can feel kinder to let slide a disruptive or dysfunctional member of the team. After all, they still get their work done, and everyone else has learned how to get on with things despite the disruption.

And that might all work in the short term.

But the good people, seeing how the world works, will eventually go somewhere it works better.

Skippy strategy: Sit down and deal with people issues.
