Results for the category: Decisions

In a hole

February 28, 2023

Trees So what happens next? At the end of the meeting, when everyone’s flush with fresh buy-in to the decision of the day - and before we all head for the door... READ MORE

You’re a politician

February 25, 2023

Window If you make decisions based on what you want to be true rather than the reality in front of you, you’re a politician. Like when you fund the project because you... READ MORE

Eyes on

February 20, 2023

Bar It’s easy and helpful to move forward whilst keeping an eye on the weather. Easy, because all it takes is a glance at the horizon, helpful because we take a gut-check... READ MORE

The logjam

February 19, 2023

Planes So many times, so, many, times, pressure builds before the decision. Will we make the right decision, what are the parameters of the decision, what will happen if, or if that,... READ MORE

Making changes

February 7, 2023

Horsebox In the moment, especially in the last moment, it’s pretty easy to get everyone focused and motivated to overcome the challenge. Maybe it’s a blue-moon firefight, maybe an external deadline, maybe... READ MORE