Results for the category: Decisions

Murky advice

July 28, 2019

Murky Action oriented as you are, you want to get on with it. You’ve made the decision and as far as you’re concerned the time to get moving is now. Problem is... READ MORE

Loop around

July 23, 2019

Thatch In the moment, when the world is crashing down (or, more likely, someone wants something quickly that would take more time to do properly), it’s easy and practical and compelling to... READ MORE

People have opinions

July 14, 2019

Hmph Internally and externally, everything you do is always being reviewed. Why you made this decision instead of that, the person you hired and the one you didn’t, the feature you added... READ MORE

Revisit to taste

July 3, 2019

Scoop The truth is that you’ll have to revisit every decision you ever make. Whether it’s the features to build, the services to offer, the people on the team, the hr systems... READ MORE

You say Yes

June 30, 2019

Doughnuts You say Yes too much. You say Yes without thinking about whether you have time to deliver on the Yes. You say Yes without being sure you are able to fulfil on the... READ MORE