July 14, 2022

Make them


Let’s say this month, starting today, is a month of progress. The aim is to end this month, the one we’ve just started, with an improved position, with having moved forward, with making changes to systems and processes and capabilities and activities. Maybe not everything, but some things. These specific things. The ones we’re agreeing right now, at the beginning of this month we’ve just started.

We’ll move this thing from the position it is today to the position we need it to be in thirty one days’ time. Not because we want to do it, but because of the capability or capacity it will deliver – things we’ve agreed are priorities.

How will we do this? Step one, deciding that we will. Step two, pulling the talents into the game. Step three, start today.

Skippy strategy: Things change, not because you want them to, but because you make them. Today.
