Put it in the light
Someone has to be responsible. Not for when things go wrong, not the blame game. But to make sure things go right, and that they’ve given attention, and to keep them from of mind, and to oversee the choices and the resources, and to fight for the resources, and to prioritise. Someone has to take on the project, to put it in the light, to keep it there.
The alternative? No one. The project is named, maybe, and then left of the shelf. One a week, a month, a quarter, someone asks a question which no one can answer. It withers, abandoned.
The other alternative. Everyone. Life is enthusiastically breathed in its direction, but everyone thinks someone else is doing the actual work, so everyone steps back, not wanting to duplicate effort, not wanting to step on toes, assuming. And it withers, alone.
Skippy strategy: One person is responsible.
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