January 25, 2020

What is hanging?


When somebody suddenly leaves the team, they always leave a hole. The hole will be filled, but it goes one of two ways, slowly or quick, and the process can go well or badly. The difference is going into the process with your eyes wide open and an honest intention.

Wide open means with a view to work out exactly what the departing person did – and on the assumption that they did much more and much different than was on their job description. Ask around. What is hanging, who on the outside did they work with, what were they working on, where were they on the critical path?

Honest intention means blowing back on bluster. Not half-baked assumptions that Ben or Mary can add another workload without interruption or deterioration of their day-to-day.

If something has to drop. Make active choices.

Skippy strategy: Every crisis … eyes wide open … active choices.
