July 16, 2020

Now what?


It’s sounds so easy. After all the wrangling, the moments of doubt, the will she won’t she, the pros and cons, the white-boarding, after all that, we made the decision. We’re going to go left, whatever that means. So easy. Left.

Now what?

Right up until that moment the decision felt like the last step, the end game, the sign off. Thing is, it’s actually the start-gun. If we’re going to go left, we have to work out the when and how and how much and all the other good stuff. Things don’t get done without people to do them, so, who are those people and what will they do? Before that, who will tell them, and when, and how much authority will be given and what about the deadline for phase one?

Skippy strategy: Things don’t get done without people to do them, and who know they should act.
