Results for the category: Decisions

Our least favourite suppliers

June 11, 2022

Blades  We should all resign our least favourite suppliers. The people and organisations we work with that we don’t enjoy, who let us down, with uncomfortable views, who underwhelm and are late,... READ MORE

Perfect decisions

May 26, 2022

Frog lamp Wouldn’t it be lovely if every decision, by the time we took it, was without risk. That we could measure every variable, weigh every possibility, assess every line of play... READ MORE

Uphill or down?

April 27, 2022

Boulder There’s always a way to make it better. To add value or features, to upgrade materials, to improve service, to enable customisations and personalisations, to add another topping on the pizza,... READ MORE

Any decision

March 29, 2022

City Not making the decision is like hovering - it’s worse than doing nothing, you’re using energy going nowhere. It might feel like you’re keeping your options open, being flexible, waiting for... READ MORE

Dukes up

March 21, 2022

Cranes Having taken the time and made the effort to come to a reasoned and deliberate decision, we can get a little emotional (embarrassed, angry) if there’s any push back. And emotions... READ MORE