April 20, 2015

What do I think?


Good leaders surround themselves with the best help they can find. Whether staff or outsiders, it never hurts to be able swing your chair around and chew things over with good people.

Inside the building, the job is hiring well and encouraging your team to develop sound judgement and the confidence to use it. Good teams can work most things out on their own but also know when they need external help.

Outside of the building, smart leaders rely on a network of professional advisors – mentors, coaches, consultants, accountants, lawyers – for sound counsel. The best will tell you what they think, give advice and offer suggestions.

In the end though, decisions come from inside. The opinion that matters, yours.

When faced with tough choices and hard decisions, take all the advice you need, and maybe a little more, then ask yourself, “What do I think?”

Skippy Strategy: Next time you find yourself justifying something by quoting the name and advice of an external advisor, stop. Ask yourself, “What do I think?”
